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Projekt der German Doctors in Nairobi entdecken
Projekt der German Doctors in Nairobi entdecken


We have been providing medical aid in one of the largest slums in Nairobi for almost 25 years. We maintain a HIV program and a nutrition center for undernourished children, among other patients, in the Mathare Valley Slum. The professional clinical operations are carried out by well-trained local colleagues, who are supported by volunteer German Doctors.

Unser Nairobi-Projekt


Dates & Facts

Outpatient Clinic

Feeding Program


Social services

Living Conditions

Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

With 10 Euro we can supply 5 people in Nairobi with medicine.

55 Euros are needed to treat 5 patients in the slum outpatient clinic.

100 euros are needed to provide 20 schoolchildren with a meal for a month.

With 160 euros you provide the medical material for 80 medical treatments.

With a donation of 240 Euro we can help 8 HIV patients for one year.

With a donation of 400 euros you can feed 30 needy people in Nairobi for a month.

500 euros are needed every month to provide treatment for around 45 patients.

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