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Discover German Doctors project in Luzon
Discover German Doctors project in Luzon


Consultations during the rolling-clinic tours, health education, and training local health workers – those are our goals for the indigenous peoples in remote regions of Luzon. The closest doctor is often located several hours’ travel on foot away.  

Our Luzon Project


Dates & Facts

Rolling Clinic


Living Conditions

Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

For 6 euros, we can spend a day educating our patients about health and voluntary family planning.

25 Euro are enough to enable 2 sick people on Luzon to visit a doctor.

For 50 euros you enable medicine care with our Rolling Clinic for 4 patients.

With your help of a donation of 90 Euros, medicines can be provided for 30 sick people on Luzon.

With 240 euros you finance the one-year training of a health worker.

With 320 euros you accompany 4 mothers safely through pregnancy.

Donate education for people on Luzon Donate doctor visit for children on Luzon Donate doctor visit with Rolling Clinic on Luzon Donate medicine for people on Luzon Donate training for health workers on Luzon Donate safe pregnancy on Luzon