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Discover German Doctors project in Dhaka
Discover German Doctors project in Dhaka


In Savar, a region located north of Dhaka, many people work under very arduous conditions in textile factories. We offer them urgently needed medical aid. Our consultations are also attended by people living on the edges of society; among them are often prostitutes, transgender individuals, and people addicted to drugs.

Our Dhaka Project


Dates & Facts

Outpatient clinic

Living Conditions

Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

For 7 euros you enable a child to visit a doctor urgently.

For 30 euros you enable 3 children to be supplied with food for a month.

A contribution of 50 euros can cover the cost of medication for more than 25 children.

With a donation of 70 Euro you can finance the visit of 10 patients in our ambulance in Dhaka.

With 140 euros you can safely guide 7 women through pregnancy in Dhaka.

200 textile workers can relieve their muscle complaints with physio­therapy.

With 360 euros, the medica­mente for 180 people in Dhaka are secured for the speech­hours.

Enabling medical visits for children in Dhaka Supporting children in Dhaka with reconstruction food. Donate medicine for people in Dhaka Donate doctor visit for people in Dhaka Pregnancy care for Dhaka fund Physiotherapy in Dhaka Supporting children in school in Dhaka