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Discover German Doctors project in Athi River
Discover German Doctors project in Athi River

Athi River

Thanks to the substantial engagement of the local Nairobi team in 2020, we were able to open the day clinic "Fanaka Health Center" in the rapidly expanding industrial city Athi River for people living in the surrounding slums.

The Athi River project


Dates and Facts


Living Conditions

Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

With 7 Euro we can supply 10 people with medicine.

For 25 euros, three patients can be treated by one of our doctors in Athi River.

40 euros is the price of a food package that saves a family from hunger.

With 100 euros, 12 people can be searched for and treated.

The medication costs for 250 patients are covered by a donation of 180 euros.

With a donation of 240 Euro you make it possible for more than 30 patients to visit a doctor in our slum ambu­lance.

With 350 euros you finance the training of 5 health workers who are permanently available for the people.

500 Euro are needed to ensure health education in our projects for 4 months.

Athi River Athi River Athi River Athi River Athi River Athi River Athi River Athi River