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Projekt der German Doctors in Kilifi entdecken
Projekt der German Doctors in Kilifi entdecken


Our emphasis is placed on mother-child health in Kilifi, one of Kenya’s more impoverished areas. Mothers can finally safely give birth in our outpatient clinic with delivery room opened in 2021.

Our Kilifi project


Dates & Facts

Outpatient Clinic

Health Promotion

Living conditions

Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

With 13 Euro we can supply 10 people in Kilifi with medicine.

For 55 euros, 5 patients can be treated by one of our doctors in Kilifi.

Family­planning for young mothers is gecapped at 110 euros for one month.

With a donation of 170 euros, you enable more than 15 patients to visit a doctor in our outpatient clinic in Kilifi.

With 340 Euro you enable the training of 5 local staff members who can be there for the people on a permanent basis.

With 500 Euro we can supply 380 people in Kilifi with medicine.

Medicines for people in Kilfi Medical treatment for people in Kilifi Donate family planning for people in Kenya Donate doctor visit for people in Kenya Further education support in Kilifi Medicines for Kilifi