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Hilfe für Flüchtlinge in Griechenland entdecken
Hilfe für Flüchtlinge in Griechenland entdecken

Refugee Aid in Greece

We sent doctors to Greece for the first time at the beginning of 2021 to offer refugees improved access to medical care.

Our project in Greece


Dates & Facts

Psycho­thera­peutic Aid

Living Conditions

Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

With 5 Euros you make a doctor's visit possible for a refugee.

With 55 Euros we can provide medical care for 10 refugees in need.

80 Euros are needed to equip 12 children and adults with Corona hygiene protection items.

30 people can be examined and receive vital medication with 165 Euros.

Support us in strengthening the rights of refugee minors in order to sustainably improve their living situation.

500 Euros are needed to provide 100 refugees with an urgently needed doctor's visit.

Donate medical treatment for a refugee Provide medical care for refugees in Greece Donate hygiene protection for refugees Donate medication for refugees in Greece Strengthen the rights of refugees minors Donate doctor's visits for refugees in Greece