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Projekt der German Doctors in Korogocho entdecken
Projekt der German Doctors in Korogocho entdecken


The huge Korogocho slum is located at the edge of Nairobi’s largest garbage dump. 200,000 people live there; many collect garbage for a living. Our mission doctors and the local team conduct consultations there once a month. The need for medical care there is enormous, which is why we plan to expand our services soon.

Our Korogocho project


Dates & Facts

Conslultation in the slum

Living conditions

Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

For 10 euros we can provide 40 people in Korogocho with medication.

A food package for 42 helps a family in Korogocho fight hunger.

For a medical treatment of 8 people we need 80 Euro in Korogocho.

With 140 Euros we can offer 5 weeks of access to education and family planning in Korogocho.

The medication costs for 100 patients are covered by a donation of 250 euros.

With a donation of 380Euro you enable about 40 patients to visit a doctor in our outpatient clinic in Korogocho.

500 euros are needed to train 7 health workers who will be there for the people on a permanent basis.

Medicines for Korogocho Food for Korogocho Donate medical treatment in Korogocho Enable reconnaissance in Korogocho Donate medicines for people in Korogocho Donate doctor visit in Kilifi Promoting further education in Korogocho