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Die Menschen hinter den German Doctors
Die Menschen hinter den German Doctors

People and structures

German Doctors e.V. is a charitable organization registered at the Bonn Local Court. Its institutions are the General Assembly, the Steering Committee and the Executive Board, in addition to which there is a Board of Trustees appointed by the directors.



The General Assembly is responsible for laying down the guidelines for the organisation’s work, for adopting the financial statement and the annual report, and for electing the members of the Steering Committee, among other things. The Steering Committee is made up of a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and observers, all of whom are elected for a 3-year period by a simple majority of votes cast by those attending the General Assembly. The Steering Committee is responsible for implementing resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, in particular on strategies to be pursued by the organization and on the funding principles for its projects. The Steering Committee also appoints and recalls members of the Executive Board, supervises their managerial work, and provides advice on business management. The Executive Board in turn comprises a Secretary General and at least one other person.

Executive Board

The members of the Executive Board work full-time for the organization.

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Local staff provide the organization's foundation.

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Steering Group

The members of the Steering Group are volunteers. The Steering Group advises and monitors the Executive Board in their organizational management.

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Advisory Group

The voluntary Advisory Group advises the Steering Group and the Executive Board in questions of publicity, fundraising and development cooperation.

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