Online-library Medbox
MEDBOX assembles these documents for practical work in emergency humanitarian aid in the new online library, www.medbox.org. This project fills an important gap in the practical application of relevant international standards. The quick availability of documents which are provided in the Internet fulfills the goals of ensuring high quality in the provision of health care for people in need and the dissemination of international standards in emergency medicine.
MEDBOX offers:
- High-quality documents which cover all aspects of emergency healthcare
- Practical resources
- Specialized toolboxes (e.g., the Cholera Toolbox)
- Regularly updated archives
- Information about current publications
- Easy access online or via Smartphones
MEDBOX is a joint project supported or advised by the following 19 internationally active organizations and institutions: Action Medeor, AGEG, Pharmacists without Borders, Arbeiter Samariter Bund, Doctors of the World /MDM, Doctors Without Borders, German Foreign Ministry, Caritas International, The German Institute for Medical Missions (DIFÄM), German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Aid (DAHW), German Red Cross, German Doctors, ICON Institute, Johanniter Foreign Aid, Malteser International, Misereor, Institute of Mission Doctors in Würzburg, Sternsinger (carolers)/Children’s Mission Work.
MEDBOX Koordinator
Dr. Joost Butenop
c/o Missionsärztliches Institut Würzburg
Hermann-Schell-Str. 7
97074 Würzburg