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Ärzte helfen weltweit
Projekt der German Doctors in Kailahun entdecken
Projekt der German Doctors in Kailahun entdecken


We began our new project in the Kailahun district of Sierra Leone in January, 2024. Our goal was not only to provide a mobile clinic to treat the impoverished local inhabitants in the region suffering from a decisive lack of doctors. We also , together with our local partner, Movement Towards Peace and Development Agency Sierra Leone (MoPADA-SL), prioritised training of the local personnel and health education to sustainably strengthen the resilience of the state healthcare system.

Our Project in Kailahun


Data & Facts

Mobile Clinic

Further training

Living conditions


Spenden und Helfen Every donation helps!

Help to prevent illnesses. With 3 euros you support one hour of health education.

With 14 euros, you provide our doctors with everything they need for the wound care of a child: Disinfectants, healing ointments and tablets for pain and fever.

Support us in the fight against malaria. With 125 euros we can provide 5 children with malaria tests and medication.

Enable the work of our volunteer doctors in Kailahun by covering the weekly local costs of 254 euros.

With 450 euros, you are financing the further training of 30 local health workers who can be there for people on a permanent basis.

Health education in Kailahun, Sierra Leone Medication in Kailahun, Sierra Leone Malaria test in Sierra Leone Examination with an ultrasound device in Sierra Leone Further training in Kailahun, Sierra Leone